Business Plans

A good business idea needs a good business plan with sound financial information and a strategy to make the idea become a reality.

Most start-up businesses will need funding and a business plan not only allows you to see if the idea can be profitable but it also allows a bank or any other lending provider to understand your idea and how the business will shape itself.

Preparing your business plan:

  • The line of work you are going to be in
  • The gap in the market
  • Where you will fit in this marketplace
  • What the goals and objectives of the business will be
  • What your unique selling points are
  • A sales forecast that will show that the idea can become an interesting prospect

If you are seeking funding or looking to attract investors in to your business, you will need to present a convincing image of how your business will look. ADHAS Accountants know exactly what information is required and how it can be presented to provide you with a better chance of success when it comes to receiving funding for your business.